Grand Event Cruise – At Sea

The first 2 days onboard were spent at sea and after the partying from the day and night before I think everyone onboard was glad to be able to put their feet up for a short while and just relax. Although the Grand Event had been just that we are only human and a lazy day doing nothing seemed like only the right thing to do.

Our first port of call would be Malaga so it was a nice easy sail along the French and Spanish coasts, going through the Bay of Biscay too which was to my disappointment very calm indeed.

I can’t get enough of sea days, especially when the sun is shining and there is a sun bed with my name on it. Must admit the first day the weather was not so great but it was still relatively pleasant and as they say, weather wise because of where we were going, it really could only get better.

Our second sea day would also be the introduction of my new very small friend, Señor Bourn. I took him along with me for the cruise as a kind of experiment. I have known of people travel the world with teddy bears or other interesting things and decided I would try it. It would also allow the bear the chance to break free from his t-shirt and try something new 😉 he went All over the ship, I will share his photo album with you all soon……………

The beginning of the cruise for me was a chance to let my hair down a little bit and enjoy myself. We had 4 port days in a row to come and were ports I had never visited before. I guess what I am trying to say is that I got the main event of alcohol drinking and staying up until the early hours of the morning out of my system during the first week. After this week I would become a responsible adult again, only having one or maybe two ridiculously late evenings.

A few sea days also allowed me the chance to find this in the atrium. I am assuming it was a cake but my friend and I are still un-decided to be honest. She was convinced it was polystyrene, I think it was a cross between a cake and something else!

After spending most of these two days relaxing and then trekking round the ship with a teddy bear I was definitely ready for a change of scenery come day 3.

We would arrive in Malaga at noon……………………..

Author: Danielle

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